What an amazing adventure this has been! As I sit on the plane flying back to Bangkok, I reflect on my trip and realize how much good has transpired. Life in LA was not making me happy at all. In fact, I didn’t even realize how miserable I was until I got to Chiang Mai. My life was so dull and filled with stress, disappointment, and hopelessness. Then I came to Thailand and suddenly my eyes were opened to the incredible wonders and I felt myself come alive for the first time in forever. I felt:
It was the best feeling in the world! My curiosity was stimulated by all the different sights, sounds, and even smells that surrounded me. It felt so good to experience something new and discover new ways of living. They say that change of environment is a valid form of therapy. They were right.
One of the things that I learned about myself is how important it is for me to be connected to people who are like-minded. It is something that I have been missing so much in LA. I’ve never really felt like I found people who I really connect with and who share the same morals and values. And in my daily life, I see the same people day in and day out. It gets old fast. Especially when those people are not people who I can completely be myself around. Coming on this trip, I met so many amazing people! It was so refreshing to meet someone new and hear about their story. Everyone has a story and I loved hearing about each one. My favorite people were these three girls from Canada. They were my kind of people: kind, generous, respectful. Good people with hearts of gold. We bonded at the Full Moon Party and it just kept growing from there. We shared so many magical experiences and buckets of laughter and good times. We bonded over Disney and desires and dreams. They truly became life long friends. Who knew that you could create such a strong bond with someone in such a short amount of time?!
My heart was flooded with happiness. From the food to the magical lagoons, the white, sandy beaches to the people, the adventures and the parties, I found myself in love with where I was and who I was with. And most importantly, I fell in love with myself– in my most natural state. No make-up, no fancy clothes. Just a beaming smile and a joy that erupted from my heart. I have never felt so free! Traveling released me from all the past and allowed me to live in the present. It is the best place to be <3
I have so much to share with you: stories and travel tips. So, get ready for lots of posts! They are going to be fun and valuable!