Mercury retrograde is finally over, but dang– are you still having chaos and drama smack back into your life??
If you are, you’re not alone.
Hell-oooooo Mercury *retroSHADE*!
What is Mercury retroshade?
Well– Retroshade occurs two weeks leading up to a Mercury Retrograde AND two weeks AFTER the retrograde ends. Cue: more shady sh*t and drama-inducing folks running back into your life! #fml
The reason why you will probably experience MORE of a meltdown and need to keep the kleenex and pint of Ben & Jerry’s close by is because we are revisiting situations, relationships, and circumstances that we experienced at the beginning of Mercury’s transit. #whompwhomp
You may experience:
😵 calls and texts from your terrible ex’s
😵 computers and phones glitching or breaking down
😵 communication mixups
😵 travel issues
😵 fear and fogginess overtaking your mind
The PRE-retroshade brings into focus the cracks in the ways we communicate and how we get shit done, especially in our relationships and anything tech related. This is our first pass through what we need to strengthen and what we need to release.
Then the actual Retrograde happens. This is where we get our second pass through the dysfunction to really revisit and reflect on what (and who) we really want in our lives and how we communicate with them. (including how we talk to ourselves!)
The POST-retroshade (what we are currently in) gives us a THIRD and final pass at all the drama that occurred during the Retrograde. We get to address what is most plaguing us, declare our boundaries, create new standards, implement new ways of living, and best of all– heal relationships. And if you’ve remembered your true badass power, you even get to take this opportunity as a chance to tell people to eff off. #namastebitches
The catch is: since the post-retroshade is Mercury’s third time orbiting the same degrees (aka it went forward, then back, then forward again), similar situations and triggers will be experienced to triple check that you have chosen to #levelup and fully love yourself instead of continuing to take shit from other people. Don’t be surprised if others get more aggressive or heated when arguing. #haveyoulearnedthelesson
1. REFLECT ON THE SITUATION. You’re in a screaming match. Your loved one is spouting off the worst kind of energy and hurtful words. Take a time out. Step back. And ask yourself: what is this really about? Is this about them not appreciating me or is more about me not appreciating myself? What is the real message that The Universe is trying to send you? Reflect on that and you’ll feel much more relief!
2. REVIEW & REORGANIZE YOUR GAME PLAN. Bottom line– stop doing what makes you feel bad. Start doing things that feel better. If someone doesn’t make you feel good, stop hanging out with them. If you seriously hate the place that you work, start looking for a place that would fuel your soul. If your heart is not into whatever it is that you’re doing (whether it’s a course you purchased or a book or a session with a coach), end it and look for something else. Your emotions will tell you if you are doing what’s aligned for you or not. If every time you hang out with that person or spend time on that thing and it makes you feel bad/less than/drained/tired AF, it 👏 is 👏 not 👏 aligned 👏 #letitgo The red flags are there for a reason. The more you continue to disregard them, the more miserable you will become. #choosethelight #choosejoy
3. RECLAIM YOUR DREAMS, GOALS, VISIONS, AND POWER! Dude– you were born to be happy! It is your BIRTHRIGHT to be head over heels IN LOVE with every area of y our life!! You were born from stardust, a creation of the most high– YOU ARE A FREAKING QUEEN!! (or King hehe!) Reclaim your power. You get to choose who you want to surround yourself with, who you want to be in a relationship with, who you want to work with, and who you want to be in your inner circle. Build your team of soul-aligned badasses who will shower you with the love and support that you deserve and desire! If they can’t love you unconditionally (that means with NO conditions!!– aka loving you flaws and all), then they don’t need to be in your life! Period. End of story. Because it is YOUR DESTINY to live happily ever after! #areyouready So get out your journal. Write your new story. Create a new vision board. Choose to live your best life starting today! It all starts with the simple decision of saying YES to YOU!
Of course I am here to help you get through this retroshade (will be here till December 7th)! We’ve got a beautiful new moon tomorrow (November 26) in Saggitarius. New golden opportunities and windfalls of love and abundance are on the rise!
This week, I am offering any of my readings for 30% off!!
#Thanksgiving #BlackFridaySales #CyberMonday
Choose from:
✨ 3-Card Emailed Tarot Reading — You email me a question/concern and I’ll email you 3 tarot cards with guidance (originally $55 ➔ now $38.50)
✨ 1:1 PMT Reading — Psychic Medium Tarot Reading where I channel clear & loving guidance for you in a live video session (originally $150 ➔ now $111)
✨ 1:1 Success Coaching Session + Energy Healing — You bring me your biggest dream/goal for 2020 and I’ll remove the emotional block that’s preventing you from attracting it PLUS create a custom made practical action plan to get you everything you desire! (Originally $250 ➔ now $175)
Offer is valid this week only! I wouldn’t wait!
We have 37 days till 2020 and this is literally your last chance to make those big shifts and changes before the next decade arrives.
If you are ready for a change,
If you are ready for a live of EASE,
where you get everything you want rapidly
where you bank account is overflowing with money
where you are living with the love of your life
where you wake up each day excited to create the life of your dreams and finally do what you were born to do,
then email me here to book a session!
I love channeling clear and loving guidance for people and I would be honored to do it for you.
You deserve to get the CLARITY and answers that you are looking for in order to move forward onto the next phase of your journey.
Every person is at a different point on their soul path, and it is my mission to deliver you the clear and loving guidance that empowers you to take the next steps that will get you to where you want to go!
I believe in practicality AND spirituality. You need to use BOTH if you want to get what you want rapidly and with ease.
And Success always starts by saying YES to YOU.
I love you so much!